Born in Columbia in 1965, Alice studied at Camberwell School of Art, and is regarded by some as representing the contemporary link between that prestigious academy, and the values of the St. Ives School. Alice is part of an artistic dynasty, related to Daphne and Emma McClure, as well as being the daughter of the well known watercolourist J.Q. Treloar.


Alice Mumford has had one man shows with The Belgrave Gallery in London, Badcocks in Newlyn and most recently with The Piers Feetham Gallery in London. She was elected a member of the RWA in 2014. She is also a much loved tutor at the Painting School in St Ives.


‘When looking at Alice’s work, the influence of Bonnard comes to mind. Whereas he did not paint from nature but from drawings, Alice paints directly on the spot, her subject matter mainly confined to still-life found in the rooms in her house. Though grateful for the discipline of drawing she gained at Camberwell, she now feels a sense of freedom that she can paint the objects around her, very aware of the light that transforms and the colour that excites her. There is a freedom of touch which evokes a sense of a particular place and a certain light.’                                    Anthony Ayton, RA


I think Alice has an ability to capture light like no other artist, and to impart a sense, place and peace.